Homemade Pizza Rolls

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  • 5 sheets spring roll wrappers
  • 1 potato
  • 3 mini sausages, sliced
  • 1 bell pepper, sliced thinly
  • 1 block instant curry roux, melted
  • 3 tablespoons shredded cheese
  • Parsley, chopped


    Cover potato with plastic wrap and microwave for 2 minutes.
    Then cut into 1.5 centimeters cubes.

    Arrange spring roll wrappers on top of each other, slightly rotating each sheet.

    Spread melted curry roux and top with potato, sausages, bell pepper and cheese.

    Bake for 5-6 minutes at 250 degrees C.
    Sprinkle with parsley and serve immediately.

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    1. E

      I've already made this twice now, it's so easy to improvise!

    2. C

      Thanks - can't wait to try this out!

    3. r

      I work all day every day M-S. On my way home from work, I read this article, got home followed all the instructions they all taste good. Thank you for the recipe!!

    4. R

      Fabulous recipe

    5. A

      Wow! This is amazing. So delicious and so pretty! I'm eating it. So good! Thanks!

    6. d

      This stuff is seriously amazing!

    7. P

      Hi there -- just wanted to say thanks for the recipe.

    8. M

      I made this and it was marvelous!

    9. C

      Oh my, was this delicious! I made this last night when I thought company was coming over. They ended up staying home and so I had this amazing all to myself.

    10. S

      So months later I finally found time to make this five minute recipe.

    11. A

      I am currently eating it by the bucket

    12. A

      This is a great recipe. I just made it and will make it again soon.

    13. E

      I made these for thanksgiving, people said they were good.

    14. M

      Love it and thanks.

    15. T

      Oh WOW! I've had this in my Pinterest for awhile and just made it today.

    16. D

      I loved it,I made it for a very dear friend and she was impressed

    17. V

      This is my go-to recipe

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