Hot cross Cream Buns

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  • 3 cream-filled buns
  • 1 egg
  • 100 milliliters milk
  • 5 pieces caramel
  • Granulated sugar
  • Honey


    In a bowl, combine caramal pieces, milk and egg.
    Microwave 4 minutes at 500 watts.
    Stir until caramel dissolves.

    Place buns into mixture and let it sit for 30 minutes.

    Melt butter in a pan and cook the buns until golden brown.

    Sprinkle granulated sugar on top.
    Flip it over and top off with more sugar.

    After both sides are cooked and the sugar has caramelized, transfer to a plate.

    Serve with a drizzle of honey.

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    1. M

      I've made this several times…so good! it turned out delicous. Thanks for this recipe!!!!

    2. T

      What a beautiful recipe you put together for us.

    3. D

      I loved it,I made it for a very dear friend and she was impressed

    4. R

      Unfortunately it is not in my taste.I do not recommend it.

    5. A

      Thanks - can't wait to try this out!

    6. L

      Looks like a great recipe!! Cant wait to try it!!

    7. S

      Made this today for my family - they loved it!

    8. H

      Oh my, was this delicious! I made this last night when I thought company was coming over. They ended up staying home and so I had this amazing all to myself.

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